The director in this play was very good at following the play, in fact I
believe that it was all there. But going from play to movie was really
impressive, all the emotion really portrayed what Shakespeare was trying to
show. For example when Claudio rejects hero at the altar there was so much
emotion in that scene, so much anger and sadness I really felt like it was a
real moment.
I thought that the whole cast were a set of great actors, they all played there
part very well, in particular Dogberry. I thought that him and Verges were a
wonderful representation of how silly and stupid they were in the play. I also
thought that most of the actors represented there character well physically.
Like Benedick was almost an exact image of what i had in my head. Although i
did think Leanato would have been more strict and stronger looking rather
that fat.
The Pace of Much ado About Nothing was decent, at some parts it was too slow
like when the characters would only talk to themselfs such as Benedick after
hearing the rumor of Beatrice in love with him. Another part that just dragged
on was the scenes with Dogberry, he just would never stop talking and it
actually got pretty annoying. But at some of the more "action scenes like
the wedding of as the men and Prince where riding up (at the beginning) it was
quite entertaining.
Rating (4 stars) |
I would not recommend this movie to everyone, that's for sure. Younger children
would not understand whats going on and find it boring as well as people who
only like action movies. This would be great for people who like romance and
love stories as well as any Shakespeare or theater fans. For me personally I
don't usually like plays and things of this genre but I actually quite enjoyed